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Emacs modules


The GNU Emacs dynamic module API is a C API that allows you to create extension modules for GNU Emacs written in C or any other language providing C bindings. This document specifies the interface and behavior of the module subsystem and the requirements that modules have to fulfill.

Because the module API is a C API, you have to be familiar with C to write Emacs modules. Be aware that C is a difficult and unforgiving language; subtle mistakes tend to result in undefined behavior. Undefined behavior is always a bug that you have to find and fix.

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


In this document I’ll use the terms undefined behavior and unspecified behavior with the same meanings as in the C standard. Please be aware that the Emacs Lisp manual generally uses the word “undefined” where I use “unspecified.”

A module is a library that GNU Emacs can dynamically load to provide extension functions not implemented in Emacs Lisp. The exact format of module files depends on the underlying operating system; on GNU/Linux, modules are shared ELF libraries.

The GNU Emacs module API is a set of functions, type definitions, macros, and enumerators in the header file emacs-module.h. This document describes its behavior.

A module function is a function exported from a module library and registered with GNU Emacs that provides extension functions to GNU Emacs.

A module initialization function is a function exported from a module library that GNU Emacs calls to initialize the containing module.

An Emacs value is the representation of a Lisp object in the module API. Emacs values are represented using the opaque pointer type alias emacs_value.

A runtime is an object that Emacs provides to module initialization functions. Runtimes are represented using pointers to the structure type emacs_runtime.

A runtime function is a function obtained by dereferencing one of the fields of emacs_runtime that have pointer-to-function type.

An environment is a context object that modules use to interact with an Emacs process into which they are loaded. Environments are represented using objects of the structure type alias emacs_env, or pointers to such objects.

An environment function is a function obtained by dereferencing one of the fields of emacs_env that have a pointer-to-function type. Environment functions are the primary means of interacting with GNU Emacs.

A user pointer is a special kind of Lisp object that wraps an arbitrary value of type void * and a finalizer function to clean up (“finalize”) such a value.

Common requirements

In this document I’ll use wording similar to RFC 2119 to describe the requirements of the module API. In particular, the words “must” and “mustn’t” denote absolute requirements that you have to fulfill. Not fulfilling any of the requirements described here results in undefined behavior, unless otherwise noted.

Unless otherwise noted, all pointers passed to module API functions must point to valid, initialized objects and mustn’t be NULL. Likewise, unless otherwise noted, pointer-returning environment functions will always return valid pointers to initialized objects. If possible, emacs-module.h uses compiler extensions to trigger warnings if the compiler can prove that NULL is incorrectly passed to a module API function.

Modules must use the functions provided by the module API to obtain environment pointers and value objects; there is no other way to obtain these objects.

Unless otherwise noted, the relation between pointers of the same type passed to module functions is unspecified. Modules mustn’t make any assumptions abut equality or ordering of such pointers.

A module mustn’t access or use runtimes, environments, or values passed to or obtained in a different module.

Module, initialization, and finalizer functions must either exit the process or return locally; they mustn’t exit nonlocally (e.g., by using longjmp or C++ exceptions). Functions written in C++ must be declared using the C language linkage.

Structure types defined by the module API may contain private fields; modules mustn’t attempt to use or alter these fields.


Runtime lifetime

The lifetime of a runtime object is finite. It corresponds to the C lifetime of the emacs_runtime pointer passed to the module initialization function. You must not access a runtime object outside its lifetime.

Environment lifetime

The lifetime of an environment is finite; its beginning and end is described below, in the sections that describe how modules can obtain pointers to environment objects. Modules mustn’t dereference environment pointers or pass them to module API functions outside of the lifetime of the environments they represent.

Value lifetime

Regarding their lifetime, there are two kinds of values: local values and global values. Local values are owned by a specific environment, and their lifetime is bound by the lifetime of their owning environment. The lifetime of a value begins directly after the function with which it is obtained returns. The lifetime of a local value ends not before the lifetime of their owning environment ends; modules mustn’t make any assumptions about the lifetime of values after their owner’s lifetime has ended. The lifetime of global values ends when they are freed (see below) or the Emacs process exits, whichever comes first.

Modules mustn’t access or use values outside of their lifetime.

Nested invocations

Multiple invocations to module initialization functions or module functions can be active at the same time. Each such invocation receives a unique emacs_env pointer that is different from all other environment pointers that are live at the same time.


The mapping of Emacs Lisp threads to operating system threads is unspecified. Emacs will never call module initialization functions, module functions, and user pointer finalizer functions concurrently; this means that at most one such function is running at a time (unless called from outside of Emacs), and access to global state doesn’t need synchronization. However, it’s unspecified in which operating system thread the functions are called; for example, two nested invocations of a module function may or may not be executed in the same thread.

You mustn’t interact with Emacs outside of the current Lisp thread. Given the non-concurrency guarantee it’s enough to ensure that you never access the fields of the structures described in this document from threads that Emacs hasn’t created.


Language compatibility

The Emacs module API is guaranteed to work with all standard C versions starting with C99 and with all standard C++ versions starting with C++11. In practice, it only requires language constructs from C89 or C++98 and some standard library headers from newer versions, so there’s a good chance that it works just fine with earlier language versions.

API compatibility

All documented structure names, structure field names, enumeration names, enumerator names, enumerator values, and type alias names in the emacs-module.h header fields are stable and will never be changed or removed. Parameter names are not part of the API. There might be additional undocumented names in the header, which are not part of the API and subject to change at any time. All toplevel names introduced in emacs-module.h begin with emacs_ or EMACS_. Emacs may add new names to emacs-module.h at any time; all new toplevel names will also start with emacs_ or EMACS_. Non-toplevel names such as structure fields or parameters don’t have specific prefixes. emacs-module.h depends only on headers from the standard C library.

ABI compatibility

To allow backwards and forwards compatibility, the following guarantees are made about all structure types described in this document:

Modules mustn’t access structure fields outside of the object, even if they could do so using field access (i.e. if the size of a structure object as seen by the module is larger than the actual size as passed in the size field). To preserve compatibility with older versions of Emacs, modules should check the size field to verify that it is at least as large as expected, and react accordingly if that is not the case. To preserve compatibility with future versions of Emacs, modules should not set a hard upper bound on the size field. Two different objects of the same structure type will always have the same dynamic size, i.e., you have to check the size member only once per structure type.

Version comparison

Before calling runtime or environment functions, you must check whether the Emacs binary your module is loaded in is new enough. There are three ways to do this:

  1. You can compare the static and the dynamic sizes of the emacs_runtime and emacs_env structures to verify that they are as large as you expect. You need to do this in your module_init function before accessing any other fields of the structures. The basic pattern looks as follows:

    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <emacs-module.h>
    module_init (struct emacs_runtime *ert)
      assert (ert->size > 0);
      if ((size_t) ert->size < sizeof *ert)
        /* Dynamic size is smaller than static size. */
        return 1;
      emacs_env *env = ert->get_environment (ert);
      assert (env->size > 0);
      if ((size_t) env->size < sizeof *env)
        /* Dynamic size is smaller than static size. */
        return 2;
      /* Continue initialization. */
      return 0;

    This makes sure that any field you can access is actually present.

  2. You can also compare the dynamic size of the environment structure against the fixed sizes of the versioned structures:

    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <emacs-module.h>
    static int emacs_version;
    module_init (struct emacs_runtime *ert)
      assert (ert->size > 0);
      if ((size_t) ert->size < sizeof *ert)
        /* Dynamic size is smaller than static size. */
        return 1;
      emacs_env *env = ert->get_environment (ert);
      assert (env->size > 0);
      if ((size_t) env->size >= sizeof (struct emacs_env_26))
        /* All fields from Emacs 26 are present. */
        emacs_version = 26;
      else if ((size_t) env->size >= sizeof (struct emacs_env_25))
        /* All fields from Emacs 25 are present. */
        emacs_version = 25;
        /* Unknown version. */
        return 2;
      /* Continue initialization. */
      return 0;

    If you use this option, you must make sure to only access fields that are known to be present in the actual Emacs version.

  3. You can also check the presence of individual fields:

    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <emacs-module.h>
    static bool have_intern;
    static bool have_funcall;
    module_init (struct emacs_runtime *ert)
      assert (ert->size > 0);
      if ((size_t) ert->size < sizeof *ert)
        /* Dynamic size is smaller than static size. */
        return 1;
      emacs_env *env = ert->get_environment (ert);
      assert (env->size > 0);
      /* Test whether ‘intern’ field is present. */
      have_intern = ((size_t) env->size
                     >= offsetof (emacs_env, intern) + sizeof env->intern);
      /* Test whether ‘funcall’ field is present. */
      have_funcall = ((size_t) env->size
                      >= offsetof (emacs_env, funcall) + sizeof env->funcall);
      /* More checks. */
      /* Continue initialization. */
      return 0;

    If you use this option, you must make sure to only access fields that are known to be present.

Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages. From the first to the third option, both complexity and flexibility increase. The first option is by far the simplest one; it’s only a single comparison, and if you use it you can be sure that you don’t accidentally access a field that’s not present. However, it’s also the least flexible option: even if you don’t use any field introduced in later versions of Emacs, your module will still refuse to load if Emacs is not new enough to contain all the expected fields. The second option provides a compromise between complexity and compatibility; it allows you to stay compatible with older versions of Emacs, but you have to remember to only access structure fields that you know are present. The third option is the most flexible one, but requires enormous amounts of boilerplate code: you need to check the presence of every single field you want to use.

If you aren’t concerned about staying compatible with old versions of Emacs, I recommend that you use the first option. If you want to make your module available to older versions of Emacs, I recommend the second option.

Module loading and initialization

Emacs loads modules by calling the module-load function.

A module must export a symbol named plugin_is_GPL_compatible to report its GPL compatibility to Emacs; otherwise module-load signals an error of type module-not-gpl-compatible.

A module must export a symbol named emacs_module_init; otherwise module-load signals and error of type missing-module-init-function.

The symbol named emacs_module_init must point to a function with the following signature:

int emacs_module_init (struct emacs_runtime *runtime);

Emacs will call this function and pass a pointer to an object of type struct emacs_runtime, which is defined as follows:

struct emacs_runtime
  ptrdiff_t size;
  struct /* unspecified */ *private_members;
  emacs_env *(*get_environment) (struct emacs_runtime *runtime);

The lifetime of the runtime object begins not after the body of the module initialization function is entered; it ends not before the module initialization function returns. Modules mustn’t make any further assumptions about the lifetime of the runtime object.

The size field contains the size of the structure, in bytes. The get_environment field is a pointer to a function that returns an environment pointer; module initialization functions may use that function to obtain an initial environment. Modules must pass a pointer to the same runtime object to get_environment that has been passed to them. The lifetime of the environment returned by the get_environment field starts not after the call to get_environment returns and ends not before the module initialization function ends; modules mustn’t make any further assumption about its lifetime.

Modules must be prepared for any number of invocations of their initialization function; it is unspecified whether two successful calls to module-load with equivalent module file names will result in one or two invocations of the initialization function.

After the module initialization function returns, Emacs will perform different operations depending on the return value and the state of the environment returned by get_environment:

You might wonder why there are two different ways to report a failure. The reason is that there are cases where you can’t use the initial environment to report errors: for example, if the module received a runtime or environment structure of unknown size. In such as case it would be unsafe to attempt to use the environment structure to signal an error, but returning an integer is always safe.

Emacs values

The emacs_value type is defined as follows:

typedef struct /* unspecified */ *emacs_value;

That is, an emacs_value is a pointer to an opaque structure. Modules mustn’t make any assumptions about the pointer or its structure; in particular, it is unspecified whether emacs_value pointers point to a valid memory location, whether NULL represents a valid Emacs Lisp object, or whether identical Emacs Lisp objects are represented by equal pointers or not.


The emacs_env type is a type alias for the following structure type:

struct emacs_env_26
  ptrdiff_t size;
  struct /* unspecified */ *private_members;
  /* Pointers to environment functions. */

typedef struct emacs_env_26 emacs_env;

The number following emacs_env_ is the Emacs major version in which the structure was first defined. For every Emacs major version, a corresponding environment structure is available. The versioned structures “inherit” from each other in the following sense:

The emacs_env type alias is always an alias to the newest structure in emacs-module.h.

size is the size of the object, in bytes. It is guaranteed to be the first field. The other public fields are collectively called environment functions. They are described in the following subsections.

The function pointers in an environment structure remain valid as long as the corresponding emacs_env pointer is in scope. It’s unspecified whether the some field has the same values in two different emacs_env structures. You must pass a pointer to the containing structure as the first argument to all environment functions, for example:

env->intern (env, "nil")

For the sake of simplicity, the prototypes below use the syntax for free functions, not function pointers. This is just to avoid additional parentheses and asterisks that make the prototypes less readable. For instance, the function

emacs_value intern (emacs_env *env, const char *symbol_name);

is actually a function pointer as structure field:

struct emacs_env_25
  /* More fields. */
  emacs_value (*intern) (emacs_env *env, const char *symbol_name);
  /* More fields. */

Nonlocal exits

Some programming language have the concept of nonlocal exits: a function might not only return normally, but potentially “jump” to some other place in the code, typically a different function higher up in the call stack. The key difference between normal (local) and nonlocal exits is that nonlocal exits can jump to a position outside of the direct caller of the function; for example, if a function f calls g and g calls h, then h might exit nonlocally by jumping directly back into f. The target of a nonlocal jump is generally a dynamic property of the code, i.e. it’s known only at runtime. Because a nonlocal exit affects functions unrelated to the starting point and target of the jump, there has to be a global default assumption whether functions can exit nonlocally: code either assumes that no function exits nonlocally, or that potentially all functions exit nonlocally. Many well-known languages make the latter assumption; examples are C++, Java, C#, or Python. Emacs Lisp is also in the second category; functions can exit nonlocally using signal or throw. Languages in the “nonlocal exit by default” category always provide language constructs to protect against the effects of nonlocal exits; for example, C++ has deterministic destructors, and other languages have tryfinally or similar facilities. Such unwind protection is essential if you have to assume that nonlocal exits can happen at any time; otherwise, it would be too difficult to keep data structures consistent, prevent synchronization primitives from leaking, or clean up resources.

Nonlocal exits are a language feature that can be used for several purposes. Probably the most well-known one is the use for error reporting, usually called “exception handling.” Emacs Lisp uses nonlocal exits for error reporting, but also for non-erroneous control flow.

The major difficulty when writing dynamic modules is that in the C language functions are by default assumed to always return normally. Even though C has the setjmp and longjmp functions for nonlocal jumps, it lacks an unwind protection mechanism, thus nonlocal exits are rare in practice, and most C codebases assume they don’t happen. The difficulty arises at the interface between a language with “nonlocal exit by default” semantics (Emacs Lisp) and a language with “only normal return by default” semantics (C). For this reason, the functions of the module API never exit nonlocally; instead, the API represents nonlocal exits using the environment-local pending nonlocal exit state. If a module or environment function wishes to signal a nonlocal exit, it sets the pending error state using non_local_exit_signal or non_local_exit_throw; you can access the pending error state using non_local_exit_check and non_local_exit_get.

If a nonlocal exit is pending, calling any environment function other than the functions used to manage nonlocal exits (i.e. those starting with non_local_exit_) immediately returns an unspecified value without further processing. You can make use of this fact to occasionally skip explicit nonlocal exit checks.

How a function exits is represented using the following enumeration:

enum emacs_funcall_exit
  emacs_funcall_exit_return = 0,
  emacs_funcall_exit_signal = 1,
  emacs_funcall_exit_throw = 2

emacs_funcall_exit_return represents a local (normal) exit. emacs_funcall_exit_signal represents an error signal raised by the signal or error Lisp functions. emacs_funcall_exit_throw represents a nonlocal jump to a catch construct created by the throw Lisp function.


Module functions can obtain the last function exit type for an environment using non_local_exit_check:

enum emacs_funcall_exit non_local_exit_check (emacs_env *env);

non_local_exit_check never fails and always returns normally. If there is no nonlocal exit pending, it returns the enumerator emacs_funcall_exit_return; otherwise it returns one of the other enumerators.

non_local_exit_check is available since GNU Emacs 25.


For nonlocal exits Emacs stores additional data. You can retrieve this data using non_local_exit_get:

enum emacs_funcall_exit non_local_exit_get (emacs_env *env,
                                            emacs_value *symbol_or_tag,
                                            emacs_value *data_or_value);

Both symbol_or_tag and data_or_value must be non-NULL. The return value is the same as for non_local_exit_check. In addition, Emacs fills *symbol_or_tag and *data_or_value with additional information depending on the return value:

non_local_exit_get is available since GNU Emacs 25.


void non_local_exit_signal (emacs_env *env, emacs_value symbol,
                            emacs_value data);

non_local_exit_signal is the module equivalent of the Lisp signal function: it causes Emacs to signal an error of type symbol with error data data. data should be a list.

non_local_exit_signal, like all other environment functions, actually returns normally when seen as a C function. Rather, it causes Emacs to signal an error once you return from the current module function or module initialization function. Therefore you should typically return quickly after signaling an error with this function. If there was already a nonlocal exit pending when calling non_local_exit_signal, the function does nothing; i.e. it doesn’t overwrite the error symbol and data. To do that, you must explicitly call non_local_exit_clear first.

non_local_exit_signal is available since GNU Emacs 25.


void non_local_exit_throw (emacs_env *env, emacs_value tag, emacs_value value);

non_local_exit_throw is the module equivalent of the Lisp throw function: it causes Emacs to perform a nonlocal jump to a catch block tagged with tag; the catch value will be value.

non_local_exit_throw, like all other environment functions, actually returns normally when seen as a C function. Rather, it causes Emacs to throw to the catch lock once you return from the current module function or module initialization function. Therefore you should typically return quickly after requesting a jump with this function. If there was already a nonlocal exit pending when calling non_local_exit_throw, the function does nothing; i.e. it doesn’t overwrite catch tag and value. To do that, you must explicitly call non_local_exit_clear first.

non_local_exit_throw is available since GNU Emacs 25.


void non_local_exit_clear (emacs_env *env);

non_local_exit_clear resets the pending-error state of env. After calling non_local_exit_clear, non_local_exit_check will again return emacs_funcall_exit_return, and Emacs won’t signal an error after returning from the current module function or module initialization function. You can use non_local_exit_clear to ignore certain kinds of errors. You can also transform errors into different errors by calling non_local_exit_get, non_local_exit_clear, and non_local_exit_signal in sequence.

non_local_exit_clear is available since GNU Emacs 25.

How to deal with nonlocal exits properly

The return value of the environment functions doesn’t indicate whether a nonlocal exit is pending. The only exception is copy_string_contents; for all other functions you have to call non_local_exit_check or non_local_exit_get to find out whether they have returned normally.

The saturating behavior of nonlocal exits gives rise to two error handling idioms:

  1. You can call non_local_exit_check after each and every call to an environment function. That way you can determine with certainty whether the function call has exited normally. This is simple, but requires a lot of boilerplate code. When choosing this option, you might want to wrap the environment functions in wrapper functions that call non_local_exit_check for you, for example:

    #include <stdbool.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <emacs-module.h>
    static bool
    extract_integer (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value, intmax_t *num)
      *num = env->extract_integer (env, value);
      return env->non_local_exit_check (env) == emacs_funcall_exit_return;
  2. You can call non_local_exit_check only before “important” operations. An operation in your code is “important” if it’s a decision based on Emacs values, has a side effect, or can take a long time. For example, in the following function you have to insert checks before the if statement and the puts function call:

    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <emacs-module.h>
    static emacs_value
    test_number_sign (emacs_env *env, ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value *args,
                      void *data)
      assert (nargs == 1);
      intmax_t num = env->extract_integer (env, args[0]);
      if (env->non_local_exit_check (env) != emacs_funcall_exit_return)
        return NULL;
      if (num > 0)
        printf ("%jd is positive\n", num);
      else if (num < 0)
        printf ("%jd is negative\n", num);
        printf ("%jd is zero\n", num);
      emacs_value ret = env->make_integer (env, num);
      if (env->non_local_exit_check (env) != emacs_funcall_exit_return)
        return NULL;
      puts ("Success!");
      return ret;

    If you remove the first check, the program output becomes unpredictable. If you had remove the second check, the program prints “Success!” even if make_integer fails. In such a simple case this might not seem like a big deal, but imagine if instead of printf you had added code to delete files, send data to the Internet, or started a long-running calculation. Therefore you can’t dispense with error checking in all but the most trivial cases. On the other hand, it’s safe to leave out the error checking in the following example:

    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <emacs-module.h>
    static emacs_value
    locate_config_file (emacs_env *env, ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value *args,
                        void *data)
      assert (nargs == 2);
      emacs_value home_dir = args[0];
      emacs_value global_dir = args[1];
      const char *name = "myconfig.conf";
      const size_t name_len = strlen (name);
      assert (name_len <= PTRDIFF_MAX);
      emacs_value list_args[] = {home_dir, global_dir};
      emacs_value locate_args[] = {
        env->make_string (env, name, (ptrdiff_t) name_len),
        env->funcall (env, env->intern (env, "list"), 2, list_args)
      return env->funcall (env, env->intern (env, "locate-file"),
                           2, locate_args);

    All of the environment functions used in this snippet can exit nonlocally, but no nonlocal exit can cause any difference in behavior because there are no “important” operations that depend on the outcome of any function. For instance, consider what happens if the make_string call and the first intern call succeed, but the funcall to list fails: the second intern and funcall combination will just do nothing at all, as if the code weren’t there. This is exactly the behavior you’d get if you inserted a return conditioned on a non_local_exit_check after the first funcall.

If you’re unsure what to do, or you don’t have yet enough practice with the module API, then I’d recommend following the first approach and check for nonlocal exits after each environment function call. Analyzing whether leaving out a nonlocal exit check would incur an observable behavior change can be tricky. However, there’s one case where the first idiom just adds noise without making the code simpler: when returning from a module function. For example, theoretically you could write

emacs_value nil = env->intern (env, "nil");
if (env->non_local_exit_check (env) != emacs_funcall_exit_return)
  return NULL;
return nil;

instead of

return env->intern (env, "nil");

but there wouldn’t be any benefit to it: because you are returning from the module function, there’s no possibility that you could accidentally ignore a nonlocal exit, and Emacs will check for a nonlocal exit anyway directly after returning from the function, so you’ve just added a completely pointless check.

If you don’t like the API’s nonlocal exit behavior, you can wrap the environment functions. There are a couple of other snippets in this document that show how to wrap some of them in functions returning bool so you don’t have to call non_local_exit_check all the time. To give a different option, the following example shows how to wrap a single environment function to get rid of the nonlocal exit state and the saturating behavior:

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <emacs-module.h>

struct nonlocal_exit
  enum emacs_funcall_exit exit;
  emacs_value symbol_or_tag;
  emacs_value data_or_value;

static bool
put_exit (emacs_env *env, struct nonlocal_exit *exit)
  exit->exit = env->non_local_exit_get (env, &exit->symbol_or_tag,
  env->non_local_exit_clear (env);
  return exit->exit == emacs_funcall_exit_return;

static bool
make_integer (emacs_env *env, intmax_t value, emacs_value *result,
              struct nonlocal_exit *nonlocal_exit)
  *result = env->make_integer (env, value);
  return put_exit (env, nonlocal_exit);

Most environment functions can request nonlocal exits. In particular, most will use signals to signal errors. This document calls out explicitly those functions that never exit nonlocally; you have to assume that all other functions can exit nonlocally. Note that even the functions that don’t exit nonlocally themselves still do nothing and return an unspecified value if a nonlocal exit was pending when calling them.

This document lists some of the error symbols signaled by environment functions. However, it’s not an exhaustive description: environment functions are free to signal other errors not specified here. In particular, environment function will typically signal memory-full if they can’t allocate memory, and overflow-error if some numeric cast would overflow the target type. These aren’t listed specifically.

Global references

As explained above, most Emacs values have a short lifetime that ends once their owning emacs_env pointer goes out of scope. However, occasionally it’s useful to have values with a longer lifetime:

For such use cases the module API provides global references. They are normal emacs_value objects, with one key difference: they are not bound to the lifetime of any environment. Rather, you can use them, once created, whenever any environment is active.

Be aware that using global references, like all global state, incurs a readability cost on your code: with global references, you have to keep track which parts of your code modify which reference. You are also responsible for managing the lifetime of global references, whereas local values go out of scope manually. Therefore I recommend to avoid global references as much as possible and use them only sparingly.


emacs_value make_global_ref (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value);

make_global_ref returns a new global reference for value. value can be any valid local or global reference. It’s unspecified whether the return value is equal to value. It’s also unspecified whether two calls to make_global_ref with the same value have the same return value.

make_global_ref is available since GNU Emacs 25.


void free_global_ref (emacs_env *env, emacs_value global_ref);

free_global_ref frees a global reference previously returned by make_global_ref. If global_ref is a local value or a global reference that’s already been freed, nothing happens. Otherwise, the global reference will no longer be valid after the call.

If two calls to make_global_ref have returned the same value and it hasn’t been freed in the meantime, you also have to call free_global_ref twice on the value; that is, global references are reference-counted.

free_global_ref is available since GNU Emacs 25.

Basic object tests


bool is_not_nil (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value);

is_not_nil returns whether the Lisp object represented by value is not nil. It never exits nonlocally. There can be multiple different values that represent nil. It’s unspecified whether a NULL value represents nil (or any other valid Lisp object, for that matter).

is_not_nil is available since GNU Emacs 25.


bool eq (emacs_env *env, emacs_value a, emacs_value b);

eq returns whether a and b represent the same Lisp object. It never exits nonlocally. Note that a == b always implies env->eq (env, a, b), but the reverse is not true: Two emacs_value objects that are different in the C sense might still represent the same Lisp object, so you must always call eq to check for equality.

eq corresponds to the Lisp eq function. For other kinds of equality comparisons, such as =, eql, or equal, use intern and funcall to call the corresponding Lisp function.

eq is available since GNU Emacs 25.


emacs_value type_of (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value);

type_of returns the type of value as a Lisp symbol. It corresponds exactly to the type-of Lisp function, which see.

type_of is available since GNU Emacs 25.

Type conversion

The environment functions described in this section convert various values between C and Emacs.


emacs_value make_integer (emacs_env *env, intmax_t value);

make_integer creates an Emacs integer object from a C integer value. If the value can’t be represented as an Emacs integer, Emacs signals an error of type overflow-error.

make_integer is available since GNU Emacs 25.


intmax_t extract_integer (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value);

extract_integer returns the integral value stored in an Emacs integer object. If value doesn’t represent an integer object, Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument. If the integer represented by value can’t be represented as intmax_t, Emacs signals an error of type overflow-error.

extract_integer is available since GNU Emacs 25.


emacs_value make_float (emacs_env *env, double value);

make_float creates an Emacs floating-point number from a C floating-point value.

make_float is available since GNU Emacs 25.


double extract_float (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value);

extract_float returns the value stored in an Emacs floating-point number. If value doesn’t represent a floating-point object, Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument.

extract_float is available since GNU Emacs 25.


emacs_value make_string (emacs_env *env, const char *contents,
                         ptrdiff_t length);

make_string creates a multibyte Lisp string object. length must be nonnegative. contents must point to an array of at least length + 1 characters, and contents[length] must be the null character.

If length is negative or larger than the maximum allowed Emacs string length, Emacs raises an overflow-error signal. Otherwise, Emacs treats the memory at contents as the UTF-8 representation of a string.

If the memory block delimited by contents and length contains a valid UTF-8 string, the return value will be a multibyte Lisp string that contains the same sequence of Unicode scalar values as represented by contents. Otherwise, the return value will be a multibyte Lisp string with unspecified contents; in practice, Emacs will attempt to detect as many valid UTF-8 subsequences in contents as possible and treat the rest as undecodable bytes, but you shouldn’t rely on any specific behavior in this case.

The returned Lisp string will not contain any text properties. To create a string containing text properties, use funcall to call functions such as propertize.

make_string can’t create strings that contain characters that are not valid Unicode scalar values. Such strings are rare, but occur from time to time; examples are strings with UTF-16 surrogate code points or strings with extended Emacs characters that don’t correspond to Unicode code points. To create such a Lisp string, call e.g. the function string and pass the desired character values as integers.

Because the behavior of make_string is unpredictable if contents is not a valid UTF-8 string, you might want to provide a higher-level wrapper function that checks whether it’s a valid UTF-8 string first, for example:

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <unistr.h>  /* from libunistring or Gnulib */

#include <emacs-module.h>

static bool
make_string (emacs_env *env, const char *contents, size_t size,
             emacs_value *result)
  if (size > PTRDIFF_MAX)
      env->non_local_exit_signal (env, env->intern (env, "overflow-error"),
                                  env->intern (env, "nil"));
      return false;
  if (u8_check ((const uint8_t *) contents, size) != NULL)
      env->non_local_exit_signal (env, env->intern (env, "wrong-type-argument"),
                                  env->intern (env, "nil"));
      return false;
  *result = env->make_string(env, contents, (ptrdiff_t) size);
  return env->non_local_exit_check (env) == emacs_funcall_exit_return;

make_string is available since GNU Emacs 25.


bool copy_string_contents(emacs_env *env, emacs_value value,
                          char *buffer, ptrdiff_t *size);

The function copy_string_contents copies the characters in the Lisp string value into buffer. buffer may be NULL, but size must not be NULL.

If value doesn’t represent a Lisp string, Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument.

If buffer is NULL, Emacs stores the required size for buffer in *size and returns true. The required size includes space for a terminating null character; it will be at most SIZE_MAX.

If buffer is not NULL, *size must be positive, and buffer must point to an array of at least *size characters. If *size is nonpositive or less than the required buffer size (including a terminating null character), Emacs stores the required size in *size, signals an error of type args-out-of-range, and returns false. Otherwise, Emacs copies the UTF-8 representation of the characters contained in value to the array that buffer points to and returns true. The contents of buffer will include a terminating null byte at buffer[*size - 1]. If value contains only Unicode scalar values (i.e. it’s either a unibyte string containing only ASCII characters or a multibyte string containing only characters that are Unicode scalar values), the string stored in buffer will be a valid UTF-8 string representing the same sequence of scalar values as value. Otherwise, the contents of buffer are unspecified; in practice, Emacs attempts to convert scalar values to UTF-8 and leaves other bytes alone, but you shouldn’t rely on any specific behavior in this case.

After returning from copy_string_contents, a nonlocal exit is pending if and only if the return value is false.

Emacs strings can contain null characters, and therefore buffer may also contain null characters. Using strlen on buffer can result in a length that’s too short; the actual length will be *size − 1.

There’s no environment function to extract string properties. Use the usual Emacs functions such as get-text-property for that.

To deal with strings that don’t represent sequences of Unicode scalar values, you can use Emacs functions such as length and aref to extract the character values directly.

You might want to wrap copy_string_contents in a function that allocates a buffer of the appropriate size so that you don’t have to call it twice:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <emacs-module.h>

static bool
copy_string_contents (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value,
                      char **buffer, size_t *size)
  ptrdiff_t buffer_size;
  if (!env->copy_string_contents (env, value, NULL, &buffer_size))
    return false;
  assert (env->non_local_exit_check (env) == emacs_funcall_exit_return);
  assert (buffer_size > 0);
  *buffer = malloc ((size_t) buffer_size);
  if (*buffer == NULL)
      env->non_local_exit_signal (env, env->intern (env, "memory-full"),
                                  env->intern (env, "nil"));
      return false;
  ptrdiff_t old_buffer_size = buffer_size;
  if (!env->copy_string_contents (env, value, *buffer, &buffer_size))
      free (*buffer);
      *buffer = NULL;
      return false;
  assert (env->non_local_exit_check (env) == emacs_funcall_exit_return);
  assert (buffer_size == old_buffer_size);
  *size = (size_t) (buffer_size - 1);
  return true;

When you use this function, be sure to call free on the returned buffer after use.

If you call copy_string_contents passing a Lisp string that only contains Unicode scalar values and then call make_string on the filled buffer, Emacs will create a string that’s equal (in the sense of string-equal) to the initial string, but text properties are lost. Likewise, if you call make_string passing a valid UTF-8 string and then call copy_string_contents on the result, Emacs will produce an UTF-8 string that’s byte-by-byte identical to the initial UTF-8 string.

copy_string_contents is available since GNU Emacs 25.



emacs_value intern (emacs_env *env, const char *symbol_name);

The function intern behaves like the Lisp function intern: it looks up symbol_name in the default obarray; if a symbol with that name is already interned in the obarray, it’s returned, otherwise a new symbol is created and interned in the obarray. symbol_name must be non-NULL and point to a null-terminated C string. The string that symbol_name points to must contain only ASCII characters (i.e. characters in the range from 1 to 127); otherwise it’s unspecified which symbol is looked up and/or interned.

Because the behavior is unpredictable if symbol_name is not an ASCII-only string, you might want to create a higher-level wrapper function for intern. That wrapper function only calls intern directly if the symbol name is an ASCII string and falls back to calling the intern Lisp function otherwise:

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>

#include <c-ctype.h>  /* from Gnulib */

#include <emacs-module.h>

static bool
intern (emacs_env *env, const char *name, size_t size, emacs_value *result)
  bool simple = true;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    if (name[i] == '\0' || !c_isascii (name[i]))
        simple = false;
  if (simple)
    *result = env->intern (env, name);
      emacs_value string_object;
      /* ‘make_string’ from above. */
      if (!make_string (env, name, size, &string_object))
        return false;
      *result = env->funcall (env, env->intern (env, "intern"),
                              1, &string_object);
  return env->non_local_exit_check (env) == emacs_funcall_exit_return;

Function definition

The primary purpose of the module API is to allow you to make C functions available to Emacs; such functions are called module functions. They have the following signature:

my_module_function (emacs_env *env, ptrdiff_t nargs,
                    emacs_value *args, void *data)
  /* Your code. */

Within the body of this function, you can use the env argument to convert between Lisp values and C values or interact with Emacs. The env pointer is unique and different from all other environment pointers that are active at the same time. After the module function returns, Emacs will perform different operations depending on the state of the environment represented by env:

nargs is the number of arguments to the function; it is always nonnegative. You can further restrict the allowed number of arguments using the min_arity and max_arity parameters of make_function, which see. Emacs will never call a module function with a number of arguments that wouldn’t be allowed by the arguments passed to make_function. If nargs is positive, args will point to an array of at least nargs elements: the argument values to the function. You must not modify the contents of the args array, even though it’s not declared const. If nargs is zero, the value of args is unspecified; that means you mustn’t dereference it.


typedef emacs_value (*emacs_subr) (emacs_env *env,
                                   ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value *args,
                                   void *data);

emacs_value make_function (emacs_env *env,
                           ptrdiff_t min_arity, ptrdiff_t max_arity,
                           emacs_subr function, const char *documentation,
                           void *data);

make_function creates an Emacs function from a C function. This is how you expose functionality from your module to Emacs. To use it, you need to define a module function and pass its address as the function argument to make_function. min_arity and max_arity must be nonnegative numbers, and max_arity must be greater than or equal to min_arity. Alternatively, max_arity can have the special value emacs_variadic_function; in this case the function accepts an unbounded number of arguments, like functions defined with &rest in Lisp. The value of emacs_variadic_function is a negative number. When applied to a function object returned by make_function, the Lisp function subr-arity will return (min_arity . max_arity) if max_arity is nonnegative, or (min_arity . many) if max_arity is emacs_variadic_function.

Emacs passes the value of the data argument that you give to make_function back to your module function, but doesn’t touch it in any other way. You can use data to pass additional context to the module function. If data points to an object, you are responsible to ensure that the object is still live when Emacs calls the module function.

documentation can either be NULL or a pointer to a null-terminated string. If it’s NULL, the new function won’t have a documentation string. If it’s not NULL, Emacs interprets it as an UTF-8 string and uses it as documentation string for the new function. If it’s not a valid UTF-8 string, the documentation string for the new function is unspecified.

The documentation string can end with a special string to specify the argument names for the function. See Documentation Strings of Functions in the Emacs Lisp reference manual for the syntax.

The function returned by make_function isn’t bound to a symbol. For the common case that you want to create a function object and bind it to a symbol so that Lisp code can call it by name, you might want to add a wrapper function that combines make_function with defalias, similar to the defun Lisp function:

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <unistr.h>  /* from libunistring or Gnulib */

#include <emacs-module.h>

typedef emacs_value (*emacs_subr) (emacs_env *env,
                                   ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value *args,
                                   void *data);

static bool
defun (emacs_env *env, const char *symbol_name,
       ptrdiff_t min_arity, ptrdiff_t max_arity, emacs_subr function,
       const char *documentation, void *data)
  emacs_value symbol;
  /* ‘intern’ from above. */
  if (!intern (env, symbol_name, strlen (symbol_name), &symbol))
    return false;
  if (documentation != NULL
      && u8_check ((const uint8_t *) documentation,
                   strlen (documentation)) != NULL)
      env->non_local_exit_signal (env, env->intern (env, "wrong-type-argument"),
                                  env->intern (env, "nil"));
      return false;
  emacs_value func = env->make_function (env, min_arity, max_arity,
                                         function, documentation, data);
  emacs_value args[] = {symbol, func};
  env->funcall (env, env->intern (env, "defalias"), 2, args);
  return env->non_local_exit_check (env) == emacs_funcall_exit_return;

make_function is less general than defun or other Lisp facilities to create functions. In particular, it doesn’t support the following types of functions:

The emacs_subr type alias is not part of emacs-module.h, so you have to define it yourself if you want it.

make_function is available since GNU Emacs 25.


emacs_value funcall (emacs_env *env, emacs_value function,
                     ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value* args);

funcall corresponds to the Lisp funcall function: it calls any function, passing it the arguments you provide. function may represent any valid function, such as Lisp lambdas, C subroutines, or module functions returned by make_function. It can also be a symbol; Emacs will find its function definition (like indirect-function) and call that. nargs must be nonnegative. args must point to an array of at least nargs elements; Emacs uses the first nargs elements as arguments to function. If nargs is zero, args may also be NULL. After funcall returns, the contents of the first nargs elements of the array that args points to are unspecified; i.e. if you need the array contents later you have to make a copy before invoking funcall. funcall returns the return value of function. If function exits nonlocally, the return value is unspecified. Use non_local_exit_check or non_local_exit_get to check whether a nonlocal exit is pending. You can’t use funcall to expand special forms or macros; use functions such as eval or macroexpand for that.

For the common case of calling a function though a symbol, you might consider adding a wrapper function, such as:

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <emacs-module.h>

static bool
funcall_symbol (emacs_env *env, const char *symbol,
                size_t nargs, const emacs_value* args,
                emacs_value *result)
  emacs_value symbol_value;
  /* ‘intern’ from above. */
  if (!intern (env, symbol, &symbol_value))
    return false;
  if (nargs > PTRDIFF_MAX)
      env->non_local_exit_signal (env, env->intern (env, "overflow-error"),
                                  env->intern (env, "nil"));
      return false;
  emacs_value *args_copy;
  if (nargs > 0)
      args_copy = calloc (nargs, sizeof args[0]);
      if (args_copy == NULL)
          env->non_local_exit_signal (env, env->intern (env, "memory-full"),
                                      env->intern (env, "nil"));
          return false;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < nargs; ++i)
        args_copy[i] = args[i];
    args_copy = NULL;
  *result = env->funcall (env, symbol_value, (ptrdiff_t) nargs, args_copy);
  free (args_copy);
  return env->non_local_exit_check (env) == emacs_funcall_exit_return;

funcall is available since GNU Emacs 25.

Vector access

The module API provides direct access to vector elements without using funcall.


emacs_value vec_get (emacs_env *env, emacs_value vec, ptrdiff_t index);

vec_get returns the index-th element of the vector vec. index is zero-based. If vec is not a Lisp vector, Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument. If index is negative or not less than the number of elements in vec, Emacs signals an error of type args-out-of-range.

vec_get is available since GNU Emacs 25.


void vec_set (emacs_env *env, emacs_value vec, ptrdiff_t index,
              emacs_value value);

vec_set sets the index-th element of the vector vec to value. index is zero-based. If vec is not a Lisp vector, Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument. If index is negative or not less than the number of elements in vec, Emacs signals an error of type args-out-of-range.

vec_set is available since GNU Emacs 25.


ptrdiff_t vec_size (emacs_env *env, emacs_value vec);

vec_size returns the number of elements in the vector vec. If vec is not a Lisp vector, Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument.

vec_size is available since GNU Emacs 25.

User pointers

When dealing with C code, it’s often useful to be able to store arbitrary C objects inside Emacs Lisp objects. For this purpose the module API provides a unique Lisp datatype called user pointer. A user pointer object encapsulates a C pointer value and optionally a finalizer function. Apart from storing it, Emacs leaves the pointer value alone. Even though it’s a pointer, there’s no requirement that it point to valid memory. If you provide a finalizer, Emacs will call it when the user pointer object is garbage collected. Note that Emacs’s garbage collection is nondeterministic: it might happen long after an object ceases to be used or not at all. Therefore you can’t use user pointer finalizers for finalization that has to be prompt or deterministic; it’s best to use finalizers only for clean-ups that can be delayed arbitrarily without bad side effects, such as freeing memory. If you store a resource handle in a user pointer that requires deterministic finalization, you should use a different mechanism such as unwind-protect. Finalizers can’t interact with Emacs in any way; they also can’t fail.


typedef void (*emacs_finalizer) (void *ptr);
emacs_value make_user_ptr (emacs_env *env, emacs_finalizer fin, void *ptr);

make_user_ptr creates and returns a new user pointer object. ptr is the pointer value to be embedded in the user pointer; it’s completely arbitrary and doesn’t need to point to valid memory. If fin is not NULL, it must point to a finalizer function with the following signature:

void fin (void *ptr);

When the new user pointer object is being garbage collected, Emacs calls fin with ptr as argument. The finalizer function may contain arbitrary code, but it must not interact with Emacs in any way or exit nonlocally. It should finish as quickly as possible because delaying garbage collection blocks Emacs completely.

The emacs_finalizer type alias is not defined in emacs-module.h; if you want it you have to define it yourself.

make_user_ptr is available since GNU Emacs 25.


void *get_user_ptr (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value);

get_user_ptr returns the user pointer embedded in the user pointer object represented by value; this is the ptr value that you have passed to make_user_ptr. If value doesn’t represent a user pointer object, Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument.

get_user_ptr is available since GNU Emacs 25.


void set_user_ptr (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value, void *ptr);

set_user_ptr changes the user pointer wrapped by value to ptr. value must be a user pointer object, otherwise Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument.

set_user_ptr is available since GNU Emacs 25.


emacs_finalizer get_user_finalizer (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value);

get_user_finalizer returns the user pointer finalizer embedded in the user pointer object represented by value; this is the fin value that you have passed to make_user_ptr. If value doesn’t have a custom finalizer, Emacs returns NULL. If value doesn’t represent a user pointer object, Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument.

get_user_finalizer is available since GNU Emacs 25.


void set_user_finalizer (emacs_env *env, emacs_value value,
                         emacs_finalizer fin);

set_user_finalizer changes the user pointer finalizer wrapped by value to fin. value must be a user pointer object, otherwise Emacs signals an error of type wrong-type-argument. fin can be NULL if value doesn’t need custom finalization.

set_user_ptr is available since GNU Emacs 25.



bool should_quit (emacs_env *env);

Long-running operations block Emacs and make it unresponsive. To mitigate this, you should from time to time check whether the user has requested a quit by hitting C-g. To do this, call the should_quit function: it will return true if the user wants to quit. In that case you should return to Emacs as soon as possible, potentially aborting long-running operations. When a quit is pending after return from a module function, Emacs quits without taking the return value or a possible pending nonlocal exit into account.

If you want to run a synchronous operation that could take a long time, consider running it in a worker thread and calling should_quit in a loop, for example using this helper function:

#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>

#include <pthread.h>

#include <timespec.h>  /* from Gnulib */

#include <emacs-module.h>

static void
assert_timespec (struct timespec time)
  assert (time.tv_sec >= 0);
  assert (time.tv_nsec >= 0);
  assert (time.tv_nsec < TIMESPEC_RESOLUTION);

/* Run the given operation and check at regular intervals whether the user
   wants to quit.  If the operation completed successfully, return true.
   If the user wants to quit or an error occurred, return false; the caller
   should then return to Emacs as quickly as possible.  */

static bool
run_with_quit (emacs_env *env, void *(*operation)(void *), void *arg,
               struct timespec interval, void **result)
  pthread_t thread;
  int status = pthread_create (&thread, NULL, operation, arg);
  if (status != 0)
      emacs_value status_obj = env->make_integer (env, status);
      emacs_value data
        = env->funcall (env, env->intern (env, "list"), 1, &status_obj);
      env->non_local_exit_signal (env, env->intern (env, "pthread-error"),
      return false;
  while (true)
      /* We have to recalculate the timeout in every iteration to account for
         clock jumps.  */
      struct timespec now;
      gettime (&now);
      assert_timespec (now);
      struct timespec timeout = timespec_add (now, interval);
      assert_timespec (timeout);
      /* pthread_timedjoin_np(3) is only available on GNU/Linux.  See for a portable
         replacement.  */
      status = pthread_timedjoin_np (thread, result, &timeout);
      if (status == ETIMEDOUT)
          if (env->should_quit (env))
              status = pthread_detach (thread);
              assert (status == 0);
              return false;
          assert (status == 0);
          return true;

should_quit is available since GNU Emacs 26.

C++ compatibility

Emacs modules can be written in C++. When including emacs-module.h, all definitions will get C language linkage. Module functions, initialization functions, and user pointer finalizers must also have C language linkage, and must not throw C++ exceptions. Likewise, module API functions won’t throw C++ exceptions. If possible, emacs-module.h attempts to enforce this requirement by adding noexcept to all function prototypes. Please be aware that throwing an exception from within a function declared as noexcept calls std::terminate and aborts the process. Therefore you must catch all C++ exceptions before returning control to Emacs, for example using a Lippincott function:

#include <cstddef>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>

#include <emacs-module.h>

static void
signal_string (emacs_env& env, const char* symbol, const char* what) noexcept
  std::size_t length = std::strlen (what);
  emacs_value data;
  if (length <= PTRDIFF_MAX)
      emacs_value what_object
        = env.make_string (&env, what, static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(length));
      data = env.funcall (&env, env.intern (&env, "list"), 1, &what_object);
    data = env.intern (&env, "nil");
  env.non_local_exit_signal (&env, env.intern (&env, symbol), data);

/* Must be called only while handling an exception. */
static void
translate_exception (emacs_env& env) noexcept try
catch (const std::overflow_error& exc)
  signal_string (env, "overflow-error", exc.what ());
catch (const std::underflow_error& exc)
  signal_string (env, "underflow-error", exc.what ());
catch (const std::range_error& exc)
  signal_string (env, "range-error", exc.what ());
catch (const std::out_of_range& exc)
  signal_string (env, "args-out-of-range", exc.what ());
catch (const std::bad_alloc& exc)
  signal_string (env, "memory-full", exc.what ());
/* If you have more exception types that you’d like to treat specially, add
   handlers for them here. */
catch (const std::exception& exc)
  signal_string (env, "error", exc.what ());
catch (...)
  signal_string (env, "error", "unknown error");

extern "C"
static emacs_value
my_module_function (emacs_env* env, std::ptrdiff_t nargs, emacs_value* args,
                    void* data) noexcept try
  /* Here you can throw C++ exceptions freely. */
  std::cout << "Hello world!" << std::endl;
  throw std::range_error ("something bad happened");
catch (...)
  translate_exception (*env);
  return NULL;

You can also go the other way round, by throwing C++ exceptions whenever there’s a nonlocal exit:

#include <exception>

#include <emacs-module.h>

class nonlocal_exit : public std::exception { };

template <typename T> T
maybe_throw (emacs_env& env, T value)
  if (env.non_local_exit_check (&env) == emacs_funcall_exit_return)
    return value;
    throw nonlocal_exit ();

Now you can wrap arbitrary environment function calls in maybe_throw to have them throw an exception if a nonlocal exit is pending:

std::intmax_t i = maybe_throw (env, env.extract_integer (&env, v));

Note that the above Lippincott function continues working without modification: if a nonlocal exit is pending it won’t be overwritten by the call to non_local_exit_sigal in the catch clauses.

Another option is to get rid of the saturating behavior by completely translating nonlocal exits into C++ exceptions, including the auxiliary data:

#include <exception>

#include <emacs-module.h>

class emacs_signal : public std::exception
  emacs_signal (emacs_value symbol, emacs_value data) noexcept
    : symbol_(symbol), data_(data) { }

  emacs_value symbol () const noexcept { return symbol_; }
  emacs_value data () const noexcept { return data_; }

  emacs_value symbol_;
  emacs_value data_;

class emacs_throw : public std::exception
  emacs_throw (emacs_value tag, emacs_value value) noexcept
    : tag_(tag), value_(value) { }

  emacs_value tag () const noexcept { return tag_; }
  emacs_value value () const noexcept { return value_; }

  emacs_value tag_;
  emacs_value value_;

template <typename T> T
maybe_throw (emacs_env& env, T value)
  emacs_value symbol_or_tag;
  emacs_value data_or_value;
  switch (env.non_local_exit_get (&env, &symbol_or_tag, &data_or_value))
    case emacs_funcall_exit_return:
      return value;
    case emacs_funcall_exit_signal:
      env.non_local_exit_clear (&env);
      throw emacs_signal (symbol_or_tag, data_or_value);
    case emacs_funcall_exit_throw:
      env.non_local_exit_clear (&env);
      throw emacs_throw (symbol_or_tag, data_or_value);

The calls to non_local_exit_clear mean that the saturating behavior is gone, and environment functions wrapped in maybe_throw behave like normal C++ functions. To translate the new exceptions back into nonlocal exits, you have to handle them in the Lippincott function:

static void
translate_exception (emacs_env& env) noexcept try
catch (const emacs_signal& exc)
  env.non_local_exit_signal (&env, exc.symbol (), ());
catch (const emacs_throw& exc)
  env.non_local_exit_throw (&env, exc.tag (), exc.value ());
/* Other handlers as above. */

Caveats and bugs

Emacs may jump out of arbitrary code on stack overflow

Emacs installs a signal handler for SIGSEGV that attempts to recover from stack overflows using longjmp. In modules written in C++, this typically causes undefined behavior; in other modules it will often cause internal data structures to become silently corrupted. Therefore you should disable this behavior in most cases by resetting the signal handler for SIGSEGV to the default, which will cause Emacs to terminate on stack overflows.

When using 32-bit pointers, Emacs may jump out of non_local_error_get

There is a bug in the current Emacs codebase that can cause non_local_error_get to execute an uncontrollable longjmp. However, this code path should only get taken in 32-bit processes, so you can prevent it by failing compilation if pointers are not 64 bits wide.

Check the size of emacs_runtime and emacs_env structures

Modules compiled with some version of emacs-module.h can be loaded into Emacs processes using a different version. The Emacs module structure types (emacs_runtime, emacs_env) are generally binary-compatible (fields never get removed or reordered; adding new fields is guaranteed to increase the structure size), but you have to check in your initialization function that the fields you will access are actually present. The simplest way to achieve this is to compare the dynamic size (the value of the size field) against the static size, as explained in the example below.

No sentinel values for nonlocal exits

Except for copy_string_contents, you can’t detect whether a module function has requested a nonlocal exit by only looking at its return value. Specifically, a module function with a return type of emacs_value may legally return NULL whether or not it has returned normally. You have to use the function non_local_exit_check or non_local_exit_get to determine whether there’s a pending nonlocal exit.

emacs_value objects are not real pointers

The emacs_value type is defined as an alias of a structure without definition. However, it’s a completely transparent type, and objects of that type don’t necessarily point to valid memory. Furthermore, NULL may or may not represent a valid Lisp object. Therefore, you must never dereference emacs_value objects or assign any meaning to its values. You should treat emacs_value as a completely opaque handle type that’s only usable as return or argument type or module environment functions.

When a nonlocal exit is pending, module functions silently do nothing

There are lots of ways to represent failure modes in code: using C errno values, C++ exceptions, sum types like Haskell’s Either, etc. Some of them, like C’s errno facility, are stateful: functions don’t return errors directly, but set a global variable that the caller has to check. However, Emacs’s nonlocal exit handling approach is quite different from all other known approaches: nonlocal exits are represented as per-environment state, but environment functions exhibit saturating behavior: once a nonlocal exit is pending for an environment, all environment functions called for that environment silently ignore all their arguments (except the environment pointer itself) and return an unspecified value. You have to understand the consequences of this behavior and use the nonlocal exit handling functions appropriately.

Strings passed to make_string must be null-terminated

Even though you have to pass the length of the string explicitly to make_string, the string must still be null-terminated. This is unlike all other C APIs, which either take a null-terminated string or a pointer and a length.

Module functions may not modify the contents of the args array

Module functions receive their arguments in the args parameter. That parameter is defined as emacs_value *args. Even though it’s not defined as a pointer to const, module functions must not modify the array.


This is an example that shows how to work around some of the caveats described above. It refuses to compile if not in 64-bit mode, checks the sizes of the runtime and environment structures, and resets the signal handler for SIGSEGV.

#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdalign.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <verify.h>  /* from Gnulib */

#include <emacs-module.h>

/* The next three static assertions check that pointers are 64 bits and
   properly aligned.  This avoids a bug that can cause non_local_exit_get to
   exit nonlocally by failing compilation if the bug is possible. */
verify (CHAR_BIT == 8);
verify (sizeof (emacs_value) == 8);
verify (alignof (emacs_value) == 8);

/* The actual initialization function.  It’s called in a safe regime where all
   members of env are accessible and nonlocal exits are no longer possible. */
static void initialize_module (emacs_env *env);

extern int
emacs_module_init (struct emacs_runtime *ert)
  /* Fail if Emacs is too old. */
  assert (ert->size > 0);
  if ((size_t) ert->size < sizeof *ert)
    return 1;
  emacs_env *env = ert->get_environment(ert);
  assert (env->size > 0);
  if ((size_t) env->size < sizeof *env)
    return 2;
  /* Prevent Emacs’s dangerous stack overflow recovery. */
  if (signal (SIGSEGV, SIG_DFL) == SIG_ERR)
    return 3;
  /* From this point on we are reasonably safe and can call the actual
     initialization routine. */
  initialize_module (env);
  /* initialize_module can still use env->non_local_exit_signal to signal
     errors during initialization.  These will cause Emacs to signal even if we
     return 0 here. */
  return 0;

Module assertions

You can pass a command-line option -module-assertions (or --module-assertions) to the Emacs binary. If you supply this option, Emacs will perform some additional checks to find violations of the requirements described in this document. A violation (that would otherwise lead to undefined behavior) causes Emacs to print an error message and then abort the process. You should use this command-line option while you are developing or debugging a module; it can detect misuses of the module API that would otherwise be hard to detect manually. Module assertions can’t detect all specification violations related to modules, so not triggering module assertions is not a proof that a module is bug-free. Module assertions slow down the interaction between Emacs and modules significantly; therefore you shouldn’t enable them in production.

Module assertions are a new type of assertions only for modules; they are different from Lisp assertions (the Lisp cl-assert macro), C assertions (the C assert macro), and Emacs source-level assertions (the C eassert and eassume macros).


The module API as presented here was designed by Daniel Colascione and primarily implemented by Aurélien Aptel. You can find the original design document with some rationales in the emacs-devel archives. The current implementation differs from the original design in several ways: